Saturday, March 13, 2010

What doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger

That big grin going from ear to ear,
From morning to night,
Never loosing any of its spunk.
The outcome of something that you've waited for for 2 years.
Those words,
You didn't think you would hear.
Bye bye brace.
No more wearing it to school,
Or during the day.
It pays off,
To be patient.
To listen to the ones who know what they are talking about.
To have confidence.
To push through the things life throws at you.
To stay strong.
To turn to the ones that love you, and support you no matter what.
To get through the pain,
And to shed a few tears.
Because it all pays off in the end.
Everything in life teaches you something.
No matter if its good, or bad.
Being one of those people out there that had to be in a brace,
For 2 years,
20 hours a day,
Made me who I am.
It was a big part of my life that helped me shape who I am.
It made me such a stronger person,
It helped me turn to those I love,
It helped me realize some of the most important things in life,
It helped me to have hope, and look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
It helped me push through each day,
It helped me and gave me a reason to smile more.
It helped me realize that there are people out there that have it worse than me.
Wearing this brace was one of the toughest things I've been through.
It was also one of the scariest, and probably one of the better too.
It taught me so much.
It shows me that there are reasons for things,
And the hard things in life end too.
It just gives you a reason to show everyone what your capable of.
To show them you can do it.
I showed myself that I could do it.
I didn't do this by myself, or go thorough this long process by myself either, not even close.
You will have so many people out there to help and support you,
Love and care about you.
Let them help you, and turn to them when you need to.
They wont let you down.
They are there to help.
Its worth it.
Because whatever doesn't kill you...
Only makes you stronger.

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