Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your my best friend...

You help me through so much,
Never give up on me.
We have been through everything together,
From the first day of school to graduation day.
You support me, I support you.
You cry, I cry.
You fight, I fight.
You laugh, I laugh.
You smile, I smile.
We take everything as it comes,
Battle after battle.
Fighting it with each other by our sides.
Roll with life's punches.
Hand in hand.
Seeing you hurt and the tears running down your face,
It kills me.
I grab you and give you the biggest hug ever.
I wipe away your tears, and hold you tight.
The tears run down my face.
I hate seeing you like this,
Hurting. Disappointed.
You don't deserve it.
Your head is on my shoulder,
As I rub your hair and say its all okay.
Your my best friend, a huge part of me.
You would do the same for me.
You can count on me for any and every thing.
No matter what.
I will be here.
I promise.
Your my life.
Everything will be okay.
I will help you through it,
Continue on with life,
Hand in hand,
Heart in heart.
Your my best friend

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