Sunday, February 14, 2010

Soo this weekend has been pretty good!! My mom has been on a cruise all week with my aint and uncle and my other uncle and his girlfriend. Me and my friend Ashely watched my cousins Saturday and Sunday and in staying over again Sunday because our parents won't be back till really late. We made a lot of crafts! It was sooooo fun! Yesterday we watched a bunch if movies and hung out and had pizza. Today for valentines day we colored pictures and made cupcakes and we decorated them and the made these flower heart things. And made a welcome home sign! Fun fun fun (:
And on Thursday I talked to my grandma that's in Florida for 2 months and found out my uncle and his girlfriend got engaged on the cruise!! I was soooo happy to hear that. It's gunna be a crazy fun wedding. I'm pumped. And Friday I hung out with my bestest friend and we got her boyfriends valentine gift together. That was fun
too even though it involved blowing up 60 balloons by hand! I think that's about it (:


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