Saturday, February 20, 2010


Everyday I think about you,
Dream about you,
Wish about you.
You have no idea.
That one person.
The one who comforts me,
Is there,
And helps me through out all of life's obstacles.

Everyday, you hold me tight, and never let go.
You steal the key to my heart.
You know the littlest things that make me smile, laugh.
When I come to you in my sweats and sweatshirt, looking my worst,
You take me in, wiping the tears away,
Knowing just the right words to make it better.

Everyday, I see your face,
In my mind, in the halls.
I catch a glimpse,
Look back,
Only to see you wink back at me,
And I continue on, a smile pasted on my face.

Everyday, you and me boy.
Together. Forever.
A promise.
The feeling I get,
Butterflies in my tummy.

Everyday, continuing on.
I know have you,
And just the thought makes my day.
One in a million.

Hand in hand,
A perfect match.
My eyes locked with yours,
Lost in you.
Looking for that place where I can hold on to,
And never let go.

I thank God for you,
The one that has made me complete.
The one that knows the In's and outs of me.
The one that knows the song in my heart and can sign it back to me when I need it most.
The one who holds me at my weakest, and supports me and my strongest.
The one the loves me for me, and no one else.
The one that can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.
The one I thank God for everyday..

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