Sunday, February 7, 2010

It only happens once

As time goes on, and people continue with their daily happenings, I sit and think.
High school is a one in a life time thing.
All the sporting events and night outs with friends.
The boat loads of homework and book readings.
Sleepless nights and early mornings.
My mind races as I go down memory lane.
Friends, boys.
The amazing teachers and the terrible ones.
As the years wind down, it hurts.
The friends I'll loose to college, and the new ones coming in.
Counselors coming into classes for next years registration.
The college classes and electives.
All the requirements, the options.
One moments its your first day, as a freshman,
and in the blink of an eye its your last day of senior year.
All the laughs and tears, memories.
As one door closes, another opens.
The story of life.
Take everything one step at a time, and enjoy every moment.
Live as if its your last, with no regrets.
It only happens once in your life.
Don't look back, saying if only or I wish.
Live in the now, savor each and every minute.
Its high school..

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