Thursday, February 25, 2010

We'll get through

As I look at you,
An amazing person,
So much going for you.
Such a head strong girl,
You get through it all.
Walking down the halls,
No one would know.
No one would know the pain and hurt your feeling.
Knowing inside that you hurt,
Is one of the things that kills me most.
How your struggling,
Not getting along with the 2 that you need most.
A tough time,
But surrounded by the ones that love you,
You'll get through.
You don't deserve to be going through this,
To be treated the way you are.
You don't let anyone know how its affecting you.
Seeing this beautiful, amazing, strong girl,
Hurting, loosing this battle,
Kills me.
Don't look back,
Just keep your eyes forward.
Forget about the past,
Let's focus on the present.
I'll help you with it all.
I pinky promise.
Anything it takes.
Surround yourself with the ones that love you,
And think of the good in life.
Its okay baby girl.
We'll get through.

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