Cheer leading.
All topics I have things to blog about. Which one to pick? Too many choices! Just pick? Well what if I write and half way through, I decide one of the others woulda been better? Hmmm....
This blog isn't going to be about any of the above. Now that I'm thinking, there is a better choice than all of them. And that is to blog about CHOICES. Life is full of them! Almost everything is a choice. It starts right away when you wake up. To hit snooze? Or lay in bed for 5 ,10 more minutes? Then its the choice on what to wear, what to eat, what shoes to wear, and the list goes on and on! However, some choices are more serious than others. Some are life or death situations. If someone you know, or a loved one got in an accident that caused them to be on life support, you have to make the choice of keeping them on it or taking them off it. That is so much more important than what to wear today. Another choice that would be more serious could be if you got asked to do drugs or something of that nature. You have to make the choice to say yes or no. If you make the choice to say yes, there are so many bad things that could happen. You could get caught. An even more serious risk would be you dying. Those are two of the more serious choice that you have to take time and think about! Most of our daily choices we don't have to think about. They are easy choices to make! But a lot of the time people make choices with out thinking. Even the simplest ones. I think if everyone would take one second, or one more second to think about the choices they make or are going to make, there would be a much more positive outcome of things.